Tag Archives: Crypto Currency privacy

Crypto Currency is no longer private!

In the early days, cryptocurrency did provide a very strong secure anonymous way to pay for things. Not traceable they said.  Now that crypto is mainstream it no longer provides you that anonymity.  Today banks, credit card companies, PayPal etc… track and report your cryptocurrency transactions. Brokers that sell you cryptocurrency so you can spend it online track and report your cryptocurrency transactions. It’s part of the new law and your government is tracking crypto transactions.   When an online merchant accepts cryptocurrency payments, and you make a purchase using cryptocurrency that payment is posted as coming from you. Almost all eCommerce companies require you to provide your information just like you do when you use a credit card. Not only does the merchant know who you are, but this information is also reported to the IRS.  When you purchase cryptocurrency, you must report it to the IRS on your taxes.  Merchants who accept cryptocurrency must report this information to the IRS.
There is nothing we can do to prevent the government from knowing you are using cryptocurrency, but we can prevent them from knowing what you are purchasing. This is where TipTributeDonate.com and webtokenscryptopay comes in.
When you use your crypto currency  to give a tip, tribute or donations to someone using  TipTributeDonate.com  we don’t ask for your real name or other personal info.  You will only be asked to provide an “User Name”, Email address and a number we can text you for verification. This email address and texting number is not shared with the recipient of your tip, tribute or  donation.  If you wish, you can include a private message in the field provided.  If you want the recipient to have your email address, you can include it here.
Once your transaction has been completed – meaning it has been verified and authenticated and approved by your payment company and the Webtokens acquired deposited in the recipients Webtokens wallet, the details are purged from the system.
From this point on the details of what you have done with your acquired Webtokens is you.
There are no refunds with crypto currency payments.  Once you make your payment it’s gone out of your crypto wallet into the webtokenscrptopayment wallet and payment is made to the person you are sending the tip, tribute or donation to.
This is important to understand that your transaction is for acquiring Webtokens.  Thats is it.  No information as to how your spend or gave your acquired Webtokens is recorded!
Remember treat webtokens just like cash.  Once your give it to someone you can’t take it back. So be sure you know what you are spending your webtokens on before you spend them.
Looking for a way to give someone a tip, tribute, donation that is 100% safe, private and secure?  Use Webtokens and TipTributeDonate.com.